0इंग्लैंड बनाम न्यूजीलैंडन्यूजीलैंड - क्रिकेट की भावना इंग्लैंड के लिए वापस लाने के

इस गर्मी निश्चित रूप से एक एशेज गर्मी है. एक एशेज कि अब व्यापक इंग्लैंड के पक्ष में बंद है. लेकिन इससे पहले कि हम चाहते हैं कि जीत का आनंद लेने के पर जाना, मैं पर वापस देखने के लिए कुछ मिनट लग करना चाहते हैं 2 न्यूजीलैंड के खिलाफ श्रृंखला.

Eng­land began to show signs of some recov­ery in New Zea­l­and with a 1–1 draw against a very good New Zea­l­and side. More of interest though was the home series at the start of this sum­mer where Eng­land showed that they had transitioned from a side with a defens­ive neg­at­ive approach to a side full of tal­ent and attack­ing flair. In this they seemed to imit­ate the style of their oppon­ents, and per­haps some of the great sports­man­ship shown by the New Zeal­anders rubbed off onto Eng­land at the same time. Gone were con­tro­ver­sies over DRS, play­ers not walk­ing, या, god for­bid, any ama­teur box­ing in bars. All the talk was about the qual­ity and excite­ment of the game on the pitch! What a refresh­ing start to the sum­mer. We should have known then that the sum­mer was to be a good one.

So a big thank you and con­grat­u­la­tions to New Zea­l­and for being such a pos­it­ive, enter­tain­ing and sport­ing side. Aus­tralia take note — you have a mod­el for your future con­duct in your anti­podean neighbour!

आप इसे भी पसंद कर सकते हैं।.

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