1خاڪ urnهن سياري خاڪ لاء اسان انگلستان اسڪواڊ

انگلينڊ جي اسڪواڊ واپسي ايشز سيريز لاءِ سومر تي اعلان ٿيڻ واري آهي. ڪير انگلينڊ وٺي ۽ ڪير وڃائيندو?

Let’s look at the “first on the team­sheet” play­ers, ۽ پوء ڏسي ڪيئن ڪيترن ئي هنڌن تي اسان کي کاٻي ملي وئي.

  • Bats­men: پچائڻ, پاڙ, Trott, Pieterson, بيل
  • Bowl­ers: اينڊرسن, ويڪرو, Swann
  • Keep­er: اڳئين

Nine of the start­ing 11 pick them­selves. That leaves 8 grabs لاء مٿي هنڌن تي, جنهن ۾ شامل ڪرڻ گهرجي 1 genu­ine bats­man, 1 fast bowl­er, a back-up wick­et keep­er and a second spinner.

ممڪن وڪيٽن تان دربان

  • جوني بيئرسٽو
  • Jos But­tler
  • Steve Dav­ies

Jonny Bair­stow is a fairly easy choice here as he is a genu­ine test bats­man and has more test exper­i­ence than the oth­er contenders.

ممڪن وڪيٽون

  • Michael Car­berry
  • نک Compton
  • جيمس Taylor
  • Gary Ballance
  • Ravi Bopa­ra
  • ڪيريو Lees

جيئن ته مون کي هن جي گهر خاڪ اچڻ کان اڳ چيو ته, I would­n’t have pro­moted Joe Root so early in his career and would have con­tin­ued with Nick Compton as open­er. Now Root is estab­lished I would­n’t demote him but Compton has what it takes to be an excel­lent test bats­man and made good scores in pre­vi­ous away series. He also offers the option of open­ing if either Root or Cook get injured. Car­berry misses out as he is 32 and Eng­land need to be think­ing about the future. Bopa­ra is a good lim­ited overs bats­man but has­n’t pro­duced con­sist­ently enough at test level. Taylor, Lees and Bal­lance are prom­ising, پر مون کي اڃان تائين يقين اهي امتحان ميدان لاء تيار آهين نه آهيان, espe­cially not mak­ing a début in an away series in Aus­tralia in an Eng­land bat­ting line-up that isn’t in the best of form.

ممڪن پاران

  • تيم Bresnan
  • Chris Trem­lett
  • Boyd Rankin
  • سايون بالصبر
  • Gra­ham Onions

This is prob­ably the most dif­fi­cult decision — all of these bowl­ers are excel­lent and have pro­duced the goods for Eng­land at one time or anoth­er. Both Trem­lett and Finn did well in Aus­tralia in 2010 and both have the pace and height that is well suited to Aus­trali­an wick­ets. Boyd Rankin also has pace and bounce and has done well for Eng­land recently. Gra­ham Onions has­n’t played for Eng­land for a while but has had a good sea­son and offers a dif­fer­ent option. Tim Bresnan has con­sist­ently delivered the goods for Eng­land and can do a bit with the bat as well.

ممڪن ٻيو spinners

  • Monty Pan­esar
  • Simon Ker­rigan
  • James Tred­well

This is a close decision between Pan­esar and Ker­rigan. Pan­esar just about gets the nod due to his much great­er test exper­i­ence but this depends on him sort­ing out any issues off the field. If there are still reas­ons for doubt about his off-field beha­viour then Ker­rigan gets the nod. Tred­well misses out as Pan­esar is a bet­ter bowl­er, or if Eng­land are look­ing to the future, Ker­rigan is a lot younger.

ممڪن سڀ-rounders

  • بين Stokes
  • ڪرس Woakes

This is anoth­er dif­fi­cult choice, either play­er could go or be left behind. Stokes had a good one day series, but test crick­et is very dif­fer­ent. He also had some dis­cip­lin­ary issues on a Lions tour earli­er in the year.

پهريون دور چنتا

If I pick some of the play­ers lis­ted above then we can have a look at the bal­ance of the squad and use that to help select the last 2 يا 3 رانديگرن

پچائڻ, پاڙ, Trott, Pieterson, بيل, Pri­or, ويڪرو, Bresnan, Swann, اينڊرسن, بيئر اسٽيٽ, Compton, Trem­lett, Pan­esar, بالصبر

هن مون کي مليل 2 play­ers to pick. I’ve picked 8 genu­ine bats­man (includ­ing 2 wick­et keep­ers), 5 fast bowl­ers and 2 spin­ners. We should take at least 1 more fast bowl­er and ideally an all-round­er. On bal­ance I think Eng­land should take Stokes as a prom­ising young all-round­er and Onions as the final fast bowl­er. Onions just edges out Rankin as he offers some­thing dif­fer­ent and has con­sid­er­ably more experience.

آخري اسڪواڊ

پچائڻ, پاڙ, Trott, Pieterson, بيل, Pri­or, Bresnan, ويڪرو, Swann, Trem­lett, اينڊرسن, بيئر اسٽيٽ, Compton, Pan­esar, بالصبر, Stokes, بصر

Some of the oth­er play­ers who just missed out (Woakes, Bopa­ra, Ker­rigan, Rankin) should get their chance in the lim­ited overs games to show that they deserve to be included in the squads for next sum­mer against Sri Lanka and India.

I’ve lis­ted my first choice 11 پهرين ته جيئن 11 play­ers. I’ve picked a 5‑man bowl­ing attack as I think Eng­land will want the height and bounce of Trem­lett and will also need 4 fast bowl­ers for the hot Aus­trali­an con­di­tions. Eng­land like to have an a num­ber 6 bats­man but I’ve pro­moted Pri­or to 6 and made Tim Bresnan my num­ber 7 all-round­er as he offers quite a lot with the bat (his test aver­age is 30; Bair­stow aver­ages 30; Compton 32)

توهان کي به پسند ٿئي..

جواب ڇڏي وڃو

هڪ جو رايو آهي

JSجي اي اسڪيف

Without Bresnan (fit­ness to be proved) and Onions (unjustly not selec­ted) I think they need some extra bat­ting, so if Bal­lance does any­thing before the first test I might try him at no.6. If he does­n’t look ready then Bair­stow is in the frame. The makes Pri­or, Broad and Swann nos. 7, 8 ۽ 9 which does­n’t look shabby, with Jimmy at 10 and one of the twin towers, Finn or Trem­lett, at 11.
