0Engeland teen Nieu-SeelandEngeland vs Nieu-Seeland: tweede toets, Dag 4

'N Bestendige dag vandag ... as die weer môre goed is, sal Engeland amper seker wen, en as hy dit afknou, sal 'n trekking waarskynlik lyk.

Maar dit behoort al klaar te wees met 'n gemaklike oorwinning, waarskynlik deur 'n beurt. Cook moes die opvolg afgedwing het. Selfs as Engeland verloor het, sou hy 'n duidelike verklaring van voorneme gemaak het en neergelê het dat hy 'n aggressiewe karakter is wat geen gevangenes neem nie.. Instead he took the defens­ive option.

Nev­er­the­less he yet again demon­strated his sheer class with the bat by hit­ting anoth­er cen­tury. He already aver­ages the best part of 49 and the per­ceived notion is that play­ers hit the peak of their form when they get to 30 years of age so the 28 year old has a year and a half until he reaches that mile­stone. Let’s hope he con­tin­ues to lead from the front when it comes to the Aus­sies in a few weeks time.

It was also good to see Trott get some runs again although what he was play­ing at last night I’ll nev­er know. The man is a class act but some­times he seems determ­ined to only play one way, whatever the match situ­ation. World class play­ers have a main way of play­ing but adapt accord­ing to what is required. Trott moet begin doen dat as hy te stoot op tot 'n werklik wêreldklas-speler wees.

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