1एशेज कलशजॉब पूरी हुई - इंग्लैंड एक 2-0 लीड ले लो

काम हो गया. ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने मचाया धमाल.

उनके पास वास्तव में रूट की संयुक्त नायिकाओं का जवाब नहीं है (बड़े पैमाने पर शतक और आसान विकेट), घंटी (दूसरी पारी में शतक के साथ एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण पहली पारी (हालांकि वह बाहर किया जाना चाहिए था, पकड़े गए, करीब 20 पर) और स्वान (9 विकेट). यह दर्शकों के लिए चिंता का विषय है जब उनके दूसरे सर्वश्रेष्ठ खिलाड़ी, वाटसन, इंग्लैंड में बड़े पैमाने पर हमले से उसकी तकनीक सामने आ रही है - वह अभी तक फिर से एक था LBW vic­tim today.

What is even more wor­ry­ing for the Aus­trali­ans is that most of the Eng­land side haven’t even third gear yet. Eng­land are a fair bit off their best and have a lot more left in reserve. Yet they are still win­ning. They should have won the first test com­fort­ably and thrashed Aus­tralia in this match. यह शर्म की बात है कि अब एक को तोड़ने का एक सा है है.

As ever look­ing for­ward to the next test.

उत्तर छोड़ दें

एक टिप्पणी

जे एसJon Scaife

You say (as did quite a few pun­dits on TMS) that Bell should have been giv­en out for the catch — but have you watched it? I totally dis­agree with the pun­dits on TMS — the pic­ture looks pretty clearly like the ball hits the ground to me. I hate to link to the Daily Mail, but they have a clear image of it. As far as I’m con­cerned the ball is in con­tact with the ground — there is no room for a fin­ger under­neath it. He may also have his hands around it, but if its made con­tact with the ground at all then it can­’t be out. If there is “doubt” — and there is more than suf­fi­cient grounds for doubt, then the bene­fit must go to the bats­man. Not­ably the com­menters on the page I linked all think the same as I do. The third umpire got this decision cor­rect. Not out.

जवाब दें