About Adore Cricket

What is Adore Cricket?

Adore Crick­et is an Eng­land-cent­ric site ded­ic­ated to the love of all things crick­et, espe­cially red ball cricket.

Who are the people?

The site was designed and cre­ated by Jon Scaife. As the site expands it is likely that there will be oppor­tun­ity for oth­er authors to con­trib­ute. If you are inter­ested in con­trib­ut­ing or guest pub­lish­ing please get in touch (see below)

ہم سے رابطہ کریں

Please see our con­tact inform­a­tion page for a com­pre­hens­ive list of ways to get in touch

پرائیویسی پالیسی

Please take a look at our pri­vacy inform­a­tion page

کاپی رائٹ پالیسی

Please take a look at our copy­right inform­a­tion page

Guest Posts

We wel­come guest posts — pleaseرابطے میں رہنا and let us know what you have in mind.

Comments Policy

Com­ments are open to every­one, no login is required. Some com­ments, includ­ing those con­tain­ing links, may be held for mod­er­a­tion, please do not resub­mit them. You can get your com­ment auto­mat­ic­ally approved by veri­fy­ing your e‑mail address. Com­ments are sub­ject to mod­er­a­tion or remov­al by admin­is­trat­ors at any time. Whilst we are not very com­fort­able with the idea of any cen­sor­ship this is a fam­ily friendly site — please keep com­ments free from any sexu­al ref­er­ences, viol­ence & harm related mater­i­al, drug & gambling ref­er­ences, incite­ment or dis­crim­in­a­tion, offens­ive lan­guage or any­thing else which may not be appro­pri­ate for chil­dren. Please note that we use some auto­mated cen­sor­ing of some well known offens­ive words and phrases. If you see any that have some­how made their way onto the site, or if you see some­thing incor­rectly cen­sored please let us know. Thanks.

Advertising & Funding

This site is sup­por­ted fin­an­cially by google adsense, amazon affil­i­ates اور viglink affil­i­ate advert­ising. Adsense adverts are in shown on each page and in the side­bar. Amazon and viglink links are shown in green text. We selec­ted these advert­ising plat­forms are they provide rel­ev­ant ads and because we believe they are rel­at­ively unob­trus­ive. Amazon links are also used to provide fur­ther inform­a­tion and reviews of products. Please dis­able your adb­lock­er on our site — to read more about why please read Why Ad Block­ing is dev­ast­at­ing to the sites you loveIf you use an adb­lock­er you will be nagged about it!

If you would like to help sup­port our con­tin­ued exist­ence please use the payp­al donate option below. Dona­tions will be used first and fore­most to pay our VPS, DNS, CDN and domain names. Any­thing above and bey­ond this will be used to source products to review or for a beer for the writersThank you for your support.


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