سنڌ جي ون ڊي ورلڊ ڪپ جي دوران اتان جي لاء مانيء جي رد عمل جي باري ۾ commentators مان مسلسل بحث ڪئي وئي آهي 2 آسٽريليا جي cheats. Eoin مارگن هڪ حيثيت وٺي نه ڪيو ۽ چيو ته هن محسوس ڪيو ته اها وٺي کيس يا مداح ڪندا ڇا چوان خيال نه هو. ويرات Kohli هڪ مثبت سفارتي معاملن ۾ ڏنيون boo کي نه حامي پڇيو ته مان اھي حقدار نه ڪندا آھن. گريم Swann سميت اڳوڻي انگلستان رانديگرن جي booing جي باري ۾ تمام منفي ٿي وئي آهي, جيئن ته آهي ڪيترن ئي آسٽريليا جي اڳوڻن-گڻ. ائين ڪرڻ کي ڏسي عوام کي ڇا آهي?
We strongly disagree with those who have attacked supporters for booing. Smith and Warner were guilty of cheating, پر ان کان وڌيڪ, they behaved in a way that wouldn’t be acceptable in almost any other walk of life. The anger towards them was about more than a bit of sandpaper. It was about their utter disrespect for the spirit of cricket and the terrible example they were setting to future generations. Warner especially has a long track record including (but not limited to) punching Joe Root in a bar a few years ago, telling Rohit Sharma to “speak English”, squaring up to Rangana Herath, and the infamous abuse directed at Jonathan Trott. هن پري کان وڌيڪ امڪان کان هن جو حقدار نه پيو ڪري ڇڏيو آهي. I would prefer not to see him selected to play international cricket any more.
بهرحال, one good point has been made about booing. It often fires players up and drives them to play at their best. ڊيڄاريندڙ, مثال طور, هن ورلڊ ڪپ ۾ هلندو گھڻائي سانگ ڪري ڇڏيو آهي.
پوء, we have a proposal. Don’t boo regularly. Don’t do anything at all. قسم ۽ وڏي, maintain a dignified silence. Send a message that they aren’t welcome but also that they aren’t worth the effort. If every boundary is greeted with deathly silence that sends a much more potent message. Save the boos for a major landmark. Ignore the performance until a century is made and then boo loud and clear.
“گلابي بال ظاھر ٿئي ٿو grayورو/نيرو redاڙھو/سائو ڪمزور ڏسڻ ۾, ان جي شدت تي منحصر ڪري ٿو. مون هڪ تخليق ڪئي رنگين انnessائي سان…”