0خاڪ urnدل حملي جي موقعي تي nervewracking کان پوء beckons

واہ!!  ڇا ميچ. ڇرڪائيندڙ امپائرنگ جا فيصلا ڪيا (جنھن مھل اوھان کي شامل 3ٿرڊ ایمپائروں) شايد ان کي ڪجهه ويجهو ڪيو ويو هو جئين جيڪو ٿيڻ گهرجي ها (باقي ٻنهي پاسن کان متاثر ٿيو) پر ٽيسٽ ميچ ڪرڪيٽ لاءِ وري به ڪهڙو شاندار اشتهار.

انهي سيريز ۾ وڃي اهو ڏسي رهيو هو ته اهو آسٽريليا لاءِ ڏکيو ٿي رهيو هو. ڪاغذن تي صرف ٽي رانديگر, بهترين تي, انهي کي آسٽريليا جي اسڪواڊ - ڪلارڪ کان شروع ڪندي انگلينڊ جي شروعات ڪرڻ ۾, واٽسسن ۽ سيڊل. ٿورا ماڻھو انھن کي موقعو ڏنو. پر ڪجهه هيروڪ ڊسپلي ذريعي انهن اهو ثابت ڪيو, جنھن مھل ان کي گهٽ ۾ گهٽ سنڌ جي خاڪ کي اچي, as a team they are great­er than the sum of their indi­vidu­al parts.

Des­pite this Eng­land still man­aged to turn it around and prove that they have the mettle to win when all seemed lost.

It will be very inter­est­ing to see how the rest of the series devel­ops now. Will Eng­land now steam ahead after this incred­ibly hard fought vic­tory and white­wash the vis­it­ors, or will the Anti­podeans claim a much needed mor­ale boost and fight tooth and nail through­out the remainder of the summer?

I for one can’t wait – although I might be keep­ing the doc­tor busy!

پوء شاديء جي هڪ جائزو وٺڻ جي باري ۾ ڇا?

Well it star­ted with a poor decision by Cap­tain Cook to decide to bat after win­ning the toss and see-sawed from that moment on.

Poor bat­ting by Eng­land for the most part in the first innings along with some shock­ing decisions and then a supreme comeback by the Eng­land attack only for it to be blun­ted by a 19 year old num­ber 11 آهستي آهستي آهي.

A decent recov­ery in England’s second innings with Ian Bell weigh­ing in with a bril­liant cen­tury (argu­ably his best ever giv­en the state of the game) when Eng­land really needed it and Stu­art Broad prov­ing strong sup­port. They fin­ished maybe 30–40 runs short however.

But yet again the bowl­ers man­aged to turn it around with young Joe Root tak­ing the vital wick­et of Cow­an which set the tone after a good start by their open­ers. What did I say in my pre­vi­ous column? گدائي کيس وڌيڪ! جيتوڻيڪ هن چيو ته صرف توهان کي ڏئي ٿو 10 هڪ اننگ اوور. The attack man­aged to rip through the Aus­sie line-up but for the second innings on the trot the last pair man­aged hero­ics only for Eng­land to snatch it at the death when the vis­it­ors had per­haps made them­selves favourites.

I say Eng­land attack – the cred­it must go to Jimmy Ander­son for his per­form­ance dur­ing this game. Des­pite Bell’s cen­tury and Agar’s care-free 98, there really was no oth­er can­did­ate for man of the match. He recor­ded fig­ures of 55 اوور bowled, جنهن جي 13 were maid­ens, con­ced­ing 158 لاء هلندو 10 match-win­ning wick­ets. بس دنيا-طبقاتي. He just gets bet­ter and bet­ter.  Out of the oth­ers Broad looked OK, Swann took a couple of wick­ets but failed to live up to the pre-match hype but Finn must be very con­cerned about his place. He took a couple of import­ant wick­ets in the first innings but over­all bowled very poorly through­out the match. When Eng­land needed him in the second innings he failed to deliv­er and got smacked around the park. In the first innings Eng­land were a bowl­er down due to Broad’s shoulder injury but the cap­tain clearly didn’t feel he had the con­fid­ence to call on Finn. Des­pite the next test being played in Finn’s back­yard at Lords, بصر ڄمائيندي يا Bresnan کيس مٽائي ڪرڻ جي اميد.

What an excit­ing sum­mer we have in front of us.

جواب ڇڏي وڃو