0پهرين وارين ناڪامي - سوچڻ جو وقت, انگلستان

هن تازي missive منهنجي بيمار ٿي بستري مان اوھان لاء اچي ٿو. ها, پيارا پڙهندڙ, مان في الحال جمعي جي رات تي بستري تي ليٽي پيو جڏهن ته ٻيا مقامي نوڪري واري پوسٽ ۾ پوسٽ ڪم واري پنٽ يا پنج مان مزو وٺندا آهن. سنجيدگي, جمعہ کان رات جو گرم ٿيڻ سان محسوس ٿيڻ کان وڌيڪ ڇا بدترين ٿيو?

خير گھٽ ۾ گھٽ, مون کي اهو ٻڌي توهان رڙ, اهو مون کي هڪ موقعي جو افتتاح ڪرڻ جو موقعو ڏئي ٿو ٻن ڏينهن جي شروعاتي ايشز جنگ جي بعد.

۽ مان ڊ afraidان ٿو ته ا todayوڪو موضوع ٿورو پوئتي رستي واري رستي ڏانهن هلوڪ ڪري رهيو آهي - يعني. انگلينڊ جي بيٽسمينن هڪ طرف ٻيهر بيچين ڏيڻ ڇڏي ڏنو. Geof­frey Boy­cott summed up the side’s per­form­ance in his own par­tic­u­lar style by simply refer­ring to the per­form­ance as “pathet­ic.” And he was spot on. 136 آهي, چڱي, a pathet­ic score by Eng­land. بس ڪافي سٺو نه. After bowl­ing with beau­ti­ful con­trol and rhythm on Thursday, Broad helped to fin­ish the job off this morn­ing and must have felt like a well-earned rest was in order. Instead he again tried in vain to bring a modic­um of respect­ab­il­ity to the score by hit­ting a quick-fire 32 هلندو - جي پاسي جو ٻيو مٿي scorer ڪجهه واٽ جي.

Now I’ve been check­ing back through the stats – Eng­land have star­ted the last few series badly when it comes to the busi­ness of mak­ing runs.

جي شروع ۾ پاڪستان جي خلاف پهرين ٽيسٽ 2012 - جي اننگ 192 and then 160

مارچ - ٿيل سريلنڪا پهرين ٽيسٽ 2012 - مان متاثر 193 and 264

مئي - ٿيل ويسٽ انڊيز پهرين ٽيسٽ 2012 - ٺيڪ اهي جت آهي ته هڪ مهذب پهرئين اننگ ڪل سان

جولاء - هلي ڏکڻ آفريڪا جي پهرين ٽيسٽ 2012 - هڪ بس جي باري ۾ جي بحسب ايڊليڊ: 385 (پر پوء Amla جي ڪيڏانھن ڦيرايا ويندا رنسون ٺاهي جي اٿڻ جھڙو لڳ ڀڳ هڪ-handedly) fol­lowed by a meek 240

First test v India – Novem­ber 2012 - جي پهرئين اننگ ايڊليڊ: 191 (bet­ter go of it in the second innings – but the dam­age was already done)

First test v New Zea­l­and – March 2013 - جي پهرئين اننگ ايڊليڊ: 167 (improve­ment second innings to save the match)

First test v New Zea­l­and – May 2013 – dis­tinct­ively aver­age scores of 232 ۽ 213 (bowl­ers pulled a rab­bit out of the hat to force victory)

Open­ing test of this year’s Ashes – July – first innings score of 215

And finally this Ashes cam­paign – first innings total of 136 – a total com­fort­ably beaten by just two of the oppos­i­tion – a jour­ney man keep­er-bats­man in Had­din (per­haps a little harsh) and a bowl­er – John­son. Now here’s hop­ing of course that we can pull off a minor mir­acle in the rest of the match and sal­vage a draw but if we do it will be des­pite this first innings calamity.

Of course this doesn’t make Eng­land a bad side – far from it. In most cases we have recovered our com­pos­ure and demon­strated our class and ground the oppos­i­tion down and won the series – although usu­ally because of the bowl­ers it must be said.

But the Eng­land man­age­ment – who plan every last little finite detail down to the last atom must be a little con­cerned at a seem­ingly con­sist­ent fail­ing in the open­ing test. If Eng­land are going to keep on win­ning series they need to on top of their game from the off.

If I had the answers then I would be out in in Aus­tralia at present help­ing the team out and not lan­guish­ing in my sick bed on a freez­ing-cold Novem­ber night.

But it’s an on-going issue that needs address­ing – there are only so many times the bowl­ing attack can keep on res­cuing their bat­ting counter-parts.


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