مارچ ۾ واپس گذريل سال (واہ, حقيقت ۾ ته وڏيون اڳ??) مون کي اچي ئي سالن ۾ ٽيسٽ ميچ ۾ ڪرڪيٽ جي مستقبل ۽ جيڪي شڪار ڪرڻ لاء ايڏو وڏو ٿئي جي باري ۾ هڪ مختصر missive penned. بيٽنگ ۽ بال وچ ۾ هڪ دلچسپ ٻٻر کي ڏسڻ سان متاثر ٿي چڪو آهي جيئن بنگلاديش سري لنڪا کي وٺي ويو پر مان راندين جي باري ۾ ڏاyrو حيران ۽ شاندار جنگ ۽ حڪمت عملي جو اثر, سٺي جاچ. بدقسمتي سان, توهان ياد رکو پيارا پڙهندڙ, مضمون تنهن هوندي به هڪ اداس نوٽ تي ٻڌل هو - ميڙ - يا وڌيڪ صحيح طور تي ميڙ جي کوٽ - مقابلي ۾ خوش ٿي.
ڪيتريون ئي حڪمت وارو (۽ ڪجهه نادانن) آزمائشي ميچ ڪرڪيٽ جي دعوائن کي وڌيڪ بهتر طور تي ڪيئن وڌائڻ لاءِ سوچن جي چاپ رکي ڇڏيو آهي. ٽيسٽ ميچ ڪرڪيٽ هڪ ڊسپلن آهي جنهن کي مرڻ جي اجازت نه هجڻ گهرجي. اهو ڪرڪيٽ جو بنياد آهي ۽ شاندار راند جي بلڪل مٿان. If test match cricket dies then so too does the heart and soul of the sport.
Few arguments or suggestions have succeeded in persuading me that they offer a solution in safeguarding this future, تنهن هوندي به. Various examples have been thrust forward but they have tended to be ill-thought out and too simple. A test match league is one such brainwave. All well and good on paper but not so simple in practice. A level playing field would be too difficult to achieve because of the number opposing variables that define the game. The ranking system is already daft and in need of reform and a league table would no doubt have its foundations in it. Playing less or more cricket is another suggestion – but which? Less test match cricket and how do the associate nations ever hope to get a look in if you reduce the number of games and keep it to already established sides? More cricket and there’s the risk of diluting the product and filling an already busy fixture list. What about cheaper tickets? Necessary but unlikely to result in massive gains overnight.
So I have devised a far more radical approach – something new to throw into the melting pot that takes our thinking much more outside the box. If it has been suggested previously, مون کي اڃان تائين ته اهو ٻڌي ڪري وڃان.
There is no doubt that T20 cricket, and in particular the Indian Premier League is a success if you measure it in the crude terms of commercial and financial markers and the massive media coverage it enjoys. هن ويب سائيٽ تي سنڌي فونٽس, اڪثر منهنجي پنهنجي هٿ مان, have criticised the IPL and T20 cricket in general for a lack of class and I am not departing from that view. It remains in my mind a glorified game of baseball, representing the crass celebrity culture in which we live with bright lights, loud bangs and that bloody horn in the audience thrown in for good measure. آئون آهيان, تنهن هوندي به, a realist and recognise that we can’t beat it, پوء ان کي ڇو شامل نه (هڪ حد تائين).
My suggestion is that we keep on playing test match cricket as we currently do, perhaps with a tinkering around the edges and a review of the rankings system. Then at the end of the year we have a new competition which is a T20 play off between the test teams. It will replace the IPL so that the celebrities will still have an event they can get involved with and those not able or unwilling to appreciate the subtle nuances of test cricket can follow. All money made from the event will then be fed back into the test match arena – to help develop the discipline.
تون به ان جي مٿي سا گڏيو ڪري سگهو ٿا. Each test team would be able to add to the side a set number of players (perhaps 2) of any nationality who haven’t played test match cricket before or have retired – one of each. It would have to be a small number so as to either stop entirely or greatly reduce the number of players who retire from the test arena so they can stick to playing a few weeks a year for a big fat pay cheque in the IPL
Restrictions would also be placed on test sides to prevent them picking players in their test squad who they never use but are kept as T20 specialists.
It could also be used as an opportunity for Associate Members to try and gain test level status. The test team that is ranked lowest going into the tournament is at risk of losing their test status if they fail to perform in the competition.
اهو صحيح حل نه آهي ۽ آئون ان کي وڻي ڪرڻ جي ٻين طريقن ڏانهن کليل آهيان جيئن بالآخر هي پئسا ڪمائڻ جي ضرورت آهي. هڪ ٽيسٽ ميچ ۾ Snob جيئن (مان هن اصطلاح کي عزت وارو ٻلو استعمال ڪندو آهيان) مون کي مقابلي ۾ ڪابه دلچسپي ڪانه هوندي پر جيڪڏهن اها اسان جي شاندار راند کي محفوظ رکڻ ۾ مدد ڪري ته پوءِ اسان کي انهي کي ڏسڻو پوندو.
“گلابي بال ظاھر ٿئي ٿو grayورو/نيرو redاڙھو/سائو ڪمزور ڏسڻ ۾, ان جي شدت تي منحصر ڪري ٿو. مون هڪ تخليق ڪئي رنگين انnessائي سان…”