0TMSTMS - Brexiting زماني ۾ هڪ Reassuring وٽ

خميس تي 23 June Bri­tain voted to leave the European Union.

Driv­ing home from work I switched on the radio and was greeted by the wel­com­ing and sooth­ing tones of the BBC’s cov­er­age of the crick­et. جوناٿن اگنيو عدالت رکي رهيو هو ۽ اوچتو سڀني کي ٻيهر سٺو محسوس ٿيو.
يقيناً مان ايتري پاگل ناهي ٿيان ته ٽيسٽ ميچ اسپيشل (يا TMS ته جيئن ان کي قصر مايوس) is a cure for all the world’s many ills but to hear that crick­et is still being played and calm col­lec­ted voices are point­ing out the rel­at­ive mer­its of a sol­id for­ward defens­ive — well as long as it’s going I guess I will be too!

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