0خاڪ urnٻيو خاڪ ٽيسٽ - هڪ Yorkshire طلسمات ۾ گھمندي

گذريل ڪجهه ڏينهن کان گهڻو ڪجهه چوڻ نه آهي - بنيادي طور تي انگلينڊ آسٽريليا کي مٽي ۾ haveٽو ڪري چڪو آهي. اها منهنجي خلاصي آهي. انگلينڊ جي اڳواڻي سان 566 وڪيٽ ۽ وقت جي هٿ سان هلندو آهي. ڪافي آرامده.…

ان جي بدران مان ا today جي ھيرو تي توجه ڏيڻ لڳان ٿو, اھو روٽ.

"مان بيڪار ٿي ويو آهيان" ... تو جو چيو جڏهن جو پڇيو ته هن پنهنجي شاندار ميگا ٽون تي ڌيان ڏيڻ جي لاءِ ا he هن گول ڪيو.. مون کي به بدران خوش ٿي ويو.

After a couple of low scores after his switch from late middle order bats­man to open­er I was begin­ning to won­der if the pro­mo­tion up to the top of the order, although not the nat­ur­al pro­gres­sion, was per­haps a little early. What rub­bish! And about as accur­ate as my pre­vi­ous cri­ti­cism of Ian Bell for not scor­ing enough runs when it really mattered (anoth­er lovely half cen­tury for him today)

اڄ جي سببن لاء صرف رنسون ٺاهي طور سٺو اھي آيو ته جيئن هو. I’ve just watched the high­lights. ۽ انھن کي ٻيهر هئس. And I’ve saved them for anoth­er view­ing tomor­row. It was glor­i­ous TV. ڏيڍ اھو حڪم منطق ادا جو ڪجهه. The place­ment he found was simply incred­ible. I don’t think I actu­ally saw him hit a ball par­tic­u­larly hard and yet he scored 20 bound­ar­ies (includ­ing two sixes). At the crease he looks in many ways like a car­bon copy of Michael Vaughan. And he plays some glor­i­ous shots like him too – but he can also shift through the gears in a way that few oth­er bats­men can. So he star­ted the days play fairly cir­cum­spect, block­ing the ball and play­ing each deliv­ery on its mer­its, then once he had registered his ton he hit anoth­er 50, جي ڀيٽ ۾ گهٽ ۾ هن وقت 70 گوليان. ته هڪ خراب هڪ ڏينهن جي شرح نه آهي.

The only two Eng­lish bats­men of recent times who I have seen switch the pace so seam­lessly are Gra­ham Gooch and Kev­in Pieterson.…not bad play­ers to look to emulate.

۽ جتي مان نوجوان اھو ڳڙن ٿو? خير خدا جي پنهنجي ملڪ, YORKSHIRE. The mighty county keeps on deliv­er­ing top class play­ers for the Eng­land team. First up Tim Bresnan made a major dent in the Aus­sie bat­ting line up and then fol­lowed it up with an excel­lent and highly frus­trat­ing (for the Aus­sies) جي بيٽنگ سان اننگ. ۽ پوء اھو مٿي قدم کڻي ۽ 'ابو' رنسون ٺاهي ويو.

As if the likes of Fred True­man, Geof­frey Boy­cott, Dar­ren Gough and Michael Vaughan weren’t enough, York­shire con­tin­ues to provide an unbreak­able line of (Shef­field) steel to our nation­al side. Even bet­ter – the one Aus­trali­an to make any impact in this match – Ryan Har­ris – he played a bit for York­shire too! All togeth­er now, YORKSHIRE, YORKSHIRE YORKSHIRE.

Oh by the way…as Joe Root, Jonny Bair­stow and Tim Bresnan lord it up over the Aus­sies, their county of birth still man­ages to do very well thank you very much without them. They’ve just beaten Derby­shire by a whop­ping innings and 113 runs with new cub off the block Alex Lees smash­ing the attack for 275 نه نڪرڻ. That’s more than Derby­shire man­aged in either of their innings in total.

سنڌ جي مستقبل جي روشن, مستقبل جي Yorkshire.

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