2T20आराम कर खिलाड़ियों के बारे में इंग्लैंड की नाव का पहलू

जैसा कि मैं टी 20 सनकी-शो को सुनता हूं (यह पत्नी को जो भी साबुन रगड़ता है, उसे थोड़ा सा देखता है) मैं इस बहस पर विचार कर रहा हूं कि इंग्लैंड के एकदिवसीय श्रृंखला के लिए पांच प्रमुख खिलाड़ियों को आराम दिए जाने के बाद यह बहस छिड़ गई है.

कप्तान कुक, घंटी, ग्रीम स्वान, जिमी एंडरसन और टी 20 कप्तान स्टुअर्ट ब्रॉड सभी अपने पैर जमा रहे हैं और इंग्लैंड को पांच मैचों की श्रृंखला के लिए ऑस्ट्रेलियाई टीम में शामिल करने का मौका दे रहे हैं।.

पूर्व कप्तान माइकल वॉन ने अपनी बात रखी है और स्टुअर्ट ब्रॉड ने वापस निकाल दिया है. मीडिया पाठ्यक्रम की है एक स्वस्थ बहस के लिए पर कूद गया और एक पंक्ति के एक बिट में यह हड़कंप मच गया.

मेरे लिए दोनों पक्षों पर pluses और minuses है. I’ve pre­vi­ously argued for giv­ing plenty of people out­side the start­ing XI a chance to shine when it doesn’t mat­ter. A five match series is per­fect for that. It also allows import­ant play­ers the chance to rest up in what is an increas­ingly demand­ing inter­na­tion­al fix­ture list.

लेकिन वास्तव में! Five play­ers? यही कारण है कि एक छोटे से चरम लगती है. कुक टेस्ट मैचों में फार्म बंद था. बीच में केवल समय है कि सुधार हो रहा है. I also don’t see the harm in the oth­ers play­ing a couple of matches or so – one on one off as it were. You can then bring the new play­ers in to a strong team with well estab­lished players.

All in all I think a poor decision over­all. And as Vaughan argues it’s a bit dis­ap­point­ing to the punters who have splashed out on expens­ive tickets.

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JSJon Scaife

I’ve been half dwell­ing on the same thing, although I did­n’t write about it because I think it’s a media made storm in a tea­cup. For starters Vaughan has been labelled by the media as call­ing for a refund. This makes it sound rather more than it was. What he actu­ally said (में 2 tweets on twit­terwas
“I would have only res­ted Cap­tain Cook. Plenty of time to rest from Sept 16th — Nov 21सेंट!!!? Can­’t sell tick­ets then rest 5 star names!!!!” “No prob­lems rest­ing play­ers but I think sup­port­ers who have paid good money to watch the best should get a small refund…”
“A small refund” — OK, Vaughan is an adop­ted York­shire­man and under­stands the import­ance of value.
How­ever — these are tinky winky crick­et games — people who go don’t go to see high class crick­et, they go to watch a slog­fest so do they really care if Cook or Trott don’t play? They want to see the likes of KP.
Also, you don’t hear com­plaints any more when top Premi­er­ship sides rest play­ers in the cup com­pet­i­tions. Fans know that and pay accord­ingly. Eng­land are known to have dif­fer­ent sides for the 3 forms of the game.
इसलिए, onto what Broad had to say. He did­n’t say Vaughan was “dis­respectu­fl” with a full-stop. He said “I think they’re [Vaughan’s com­ments] dis­respect­ful to the side that’s going to go out on the field.”
I think that’s fair enough com­ment. Vaughan was say­ing the play­ers going out on the field were worth less to watch. That may be true or it may not be, the time for such com­ments is after the games, if Eng­land lose heavily.
The rest of Broad’s com­ments were straight for­ward com­mon sense which could­n’t eas­ily be giv­en a spin by the media so they’ve not been heav­ily referenced.
वैसे भी, 2 things should be learned from this:
1. If you go to tinky winky crick­et games, don’t pay top dol­lar for your tick­et think­ing you’ll see the Eng­land test 11 — you wont.
2. Wherever pos­sible ignore the shriek­ing noises com­ing out of the media. There are sales to be made in crick­et cov­er­age at the moment, but no more test matches to write about so the media are gen­er­at­ing worth­less bor­ing noise instead.

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