0أستراليا الملاكمة ذكي

الشتاء الإنجليزي شيء فظيع. بارد ورطب, الموسم يعني أيضًا عدم وجود لعبة الكريكيت المنزلية على الإطلاق.

عيد الميلاد هو أحد الأضواء الساطعة في ضباب البرد ، ولإضافة إلى ذلك فكرة مباراة اختبار سنوية تبدأ في يوم الملاكمة وعادة ما تقام تحت سماء زرقاء ودرجات حرارة دافئة هي تلك التي تثير الخيال والتي سأرفعها البيرة الباردة.

تم إجراء اختبارات يوم الملاكمة كل عام منذ ذلك الحين 1980 (إلا 1989 عندما لعبت مباراة يوم واحد مقابل سريلانكا بدلا (بو - إد) وفي نادي ملبورن للكريكيت في أستراليا - المعروف أيضًا باسم MCG). كما هيمنت عليهم بعض الحشود الضخمة (which have approached six fig­ures on occasion).

So with the weath­er out­side truly fright­ful I’ve taken the oppor­tun­ity to have a look back at a few recent(العش) games to see how teams have fared against their Anti­podean hosts.

Sri Lanka were the vis­it­ors last year and were simply blown away. Mitchell John­son was the chief des­troy­er back then (دق أجراس أي), tak­ing four wick­ets and hit­ting an unbeaten 92. Clarke hit a ton in what was an excel­lent year for him and Shane Wat­son and Dav­id Warner hit use­ful half cen­tur­ies. أول مجموعه المضيفين "أدوار لل 460 كان بعيدا كثيرا عن سريلانكا للتعامل مع, Kumar Sangakkara com­fort­ably top scor­ing across both their innings with 58. Vic­tory to Aus­tralia by an innings and 201 runs.

Bat­ting col­lapses from both teams (India were the vis­it­ors) dom­in­ated the 2011 لعبه. Ed Cow­an on debut opened for the Aus­sies and hit a half cen­tury as did Ricky Pont­ing. For the vis­it­ors the erstwhile trio of Sachin Ten­dulkar, راهول درافيد وSehwag فيرندر (على 450 مباريات الاختبار وأكثر من 37,000 يدير اختبار بينهما) كل سجل على 50. With hon­ours almost even after the first two innings Australia’s top order col­lapsed but were pulled back from the brink thanks to mean­ing­ful con­tri­bu­tions from Ricky Pont­ing and in par­tic­u­lar Michael Hus­sey. Second innings res­ist­ance by the Indi­ans was futile; James Pattin­son did the major­ity of the dam­age with a four wick­et haul. Com­fort­able vic­tory for Australia.

Eng­land made a far bet­ter fist of things then they are doing presently when they turned up in 2010. They gave the Aus­sies a crick­et­ing les­son, with Jimmy Ander­son and Chris Trem­lett tear­ing though the host’s in their first innings – who were bowled out for less than 100. Eng­land then turned the screws in uncom­prom­ising style, clob­ber­ing them for over 500 with Jonath­an Trott hit­ting a massive cen­tury and Alastair Cook, Andrew Strauss and Matt Pri­or all mak­ing sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tions. Aus­tralia fared little bet­ter second time around (Tim Bresnan the chief des­troy­er) and Eng­land ran out vic­tors by an innings and more.

Before that Aus­tralia gave Pakistan a good old-fash­ioned twonk­ing in 2009 with an all-round team effort with all the bats­men scor­ing runs and all the bowl­ers tak­ing wickets.

بحيث يقودني على لطيف لقاء هذا العام. Per­haps fit­tingly for the 26العاشر Decem­ber, Eng­land suffered yet anoth­er suck­er punch as the vis­it­ors flattered to deceive. Eng­land actu­ally man­aged to fash­ion a handy lead after the first innings but back came the usu­al frailties to haunt them. Some of the bat­ting was simply idi­ot­ic. Ex-open­er and suc­cess­ful Ashes cap­tain Michael Vaughan had some extremely strong words for his former charges. الحق أيضا. It’s not been good enough all series – a lot of play­ers have let a lot of people down this series – will this defeat deliv­er the fatal knock out punch to Eng­land – or will they pull them­selves up from the can­vas and deliv­er a belated Christ­mas present to the much suf­fer­ing fans?

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