0انگلستان نئون ايم ٿيلانگلستان نئون ايم مدرسه: پهرين ٽيسٽ - انگلينڊ جي آنرز دعوي

راند ڏانهن اهڙي سست شروعات کان پوءِ ا test پهرين ٽيسٽ برڪ گردن جي رفتار تي ختم ٿيو - ۽ اسٽارٽ براڊ پاران ڪهڙي ڪارڪردگي چوڪي ​​پرچم بلند ڪرڻ لاءِ.

نه رڳو هن ڪلب ڪيو 20 بي جوڙ اهم رنڊڪ (نه نڪرڻ) جيئن انگلينڊ جي اننگز تڪڙي ۽ مايوس ڪندڙ آخر تائين آئي پر هن ان جي پٺيان هڪ تيز فاسٽ-وچولي بالنگ جو جادو ڪيو ، جيڪو نيوزي لينڊ جي حڪم کي ختم ڪري ڇڏيو.

جڏهن براڊ هڪ گيت وانگر آهي ، هو ا todayڪلهه هو اتي ڪو به روڪي نه ٿو ۽ هو عملي طور تي ناقابل راند ٿي سگهي ٿو. آخري دفعو هن اهڙي ڪارڪردگي ڏني جهڙي هن وقت پراڻي دشمنن جي خلاف اوول ۾ هئي 2009 خاڪ طاهرالقادريء. مون ان ڏينهن جي راند جي جھلڪيون ريڪارڊ ڪيون ۽ انهن کي ڪجهه سالن لاءِ رکيو ته جئين آئون بار بار ڏسي سگهان. انهي ڏينهن هن کي حاصل ڪيو 5 ‑ لاءِ, واٽسسن جي خطرن جي دعويٰ, پونٽنگ, ماسي, Clarke and Had­din – so pretty much the Aus­trali­an top order.

There was noth­ing any bats­man could have done. ان سان گڏو گڏ 5 wick­ets there were count­less plays and misses and beat­ings of the bat. هن جو گهڻو پ پ ھا. It was very much like a cer­tain Aus­sie fast-medi­um bowl­er.… his name escapes me.… took a few wick­ets he did.…oh yes, دوستن McGrath.

And the same today – but this time even more wick­ets.  The trick now is to get Broad fir­ing like this much more often. He clearly has the tal­ent and the self assur­ance. Inter­est­ingly in the Oval test back in 2009 Eng­land bat­ted first with Broad, who has been out of form with the wil­low of late, hit­ting some import­ant late order runs. Any coincidence?

Broad’s hero­ics (and let’s not for­get James Ander­son claimed a 5‑for in the Kiwi’s first innings and two wick­ets in their second) dis­guised some Eng­land fail­ings with the bat. OK it was a low scor­ing game but pretty much all of the top order (includ­ing Pri­or who had a game to for­get with the bat) ناڪام. Root was the only stand out excep­tion and the kid clearly has a massive future. Trott did OK but the jury is still out on Root’s York­shire team-mate Bair­stow and if KP returns for the Ashes it is likely Bair­stow will make way. Eoin Mor­gan is cur­rently ply­ing his trade in the freak show that is the IPL. He has made that choice and so can stay there. Odds are that it would have been between Mor­gan and Bair­stow for that final middle order spot but Mor­gan chose riches over glory. سندس سڏ.

The next test is only five days away in Headingley and it’s likely Eng­land will be largely unchanged. Bresnan might dis­place Finn who had a rather muted game (his four wick­ets in the first innings flattered him a little) but then again my pre­dic­tions this match left some­thing to be desired.



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