3ایشز کلشایشز 2013: سیریز کی ٹیم

سیریز کے دوران ایک چیز جس نے مجھے حیران کیا وہ یہ تھا کہ پنڈتوں نے متعلقہ وکٹ کیپروں سے کس طرح موازنہ کیا - بریڈ ہیڈن کے ساتھ ایک اچھا پریس حاصل ہوا, جبکہ میٹ پریئر کو مجموعی طور پر تھوڑی سی نفی ملی۔ میں نے جو دیکھا اس سے میں نہیں سوچا تھا کہ ان کے مابین کچھ زیادہ ہے, تو میں نے سوچا کہ میں دیکھوں گا کہ کس طرح تعداد میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ میں نے سوچا کہ میں نے بھی باقی فریقوں کے لئے بھی ایسا ہی کیا ہو اور میں دیکھوں کہ کیا سیریز کی کوئی ٹیم ابھری ہے جو اس بات کی عکاسی کرتی ہے کہ افراد کتنے اچھے انداز میں کھیلے ہیں۔.

تو, ان سے نمٹنے کی اجازت دیتا ہے 2 men behind the wick­et first

کیچسٹمپ / رن آؤٹاننگزرنزAver­age50ے100ےزیادہ اسکوراوٹ نہیں
Matt Pri­or182813319.0000471
Brad Had­din2801020622.8920711

Over­all Had­din has the frac­tion­ally bet­ter bat­ting aver­age, and undeni­ably took a lot more catches behind the wick­et. How­ever, آپ کو صرف آپ کے راستے آتا ہے دیکھ سکتے ہیں, so a more telling num­ber would be the num­ber of missed oppor­tun­it­ies. Missed oppor­tun­it­ies are hard to quanti­fy of course. The bat­ting num­bers aren’t dif­fer­ent enough to jus­ti­fy pick­ing 1 play­er over the oth­er, and had Pri­or played 1 یا 2 زیادہ اننگز, اور بنایا ایک 50, the aver­ages would be near enough equal.

Regard­less of the views of the pun­dits, on bal­ance I’d pick Pri­or. Firstly I have a sense that Had­din made more mis­takes behind the wick­et with a few missed chances. Secondly, I have a great­er faith that Pri­or would be the man in a pres­sure situ­ation — des­pite a good effort Had­din failed to see Aus­tralia through to vic­tory in the first test.


I’ve only included play­ers who bowled at least 50 overs

گریم سوان2497552629.043.03
Ryan Har­ris162.14702419.582.90
Stu­art Broad185.56042227.453.25
James Ander­son205.46512229.593.17
پیٹر سڈل189.55371731.592.83
مچل سٹارک1203571132.452.98
ٹم بریسنن912961029.603.25
Nath­an Lyon118.1303933.672.56
James Pattin­son91.1307743.863.37
Shane Wat­son85.3179289.502.09
ایشٹن ایگر842482124.002.95

The num­bers match up fairly well with who I’d pick for my team. Any­one who watched any of the series would be able to pick Graeme Swann, Ryan Har­ris & James Ander­son without a hes­it­a­tion, leav­ing the only ques­tion who the 4ویں bowl­er would be. As the 3RD highest wick­et taker, اور بیٹ کے ساتھ کوئی مقابل ہونے, Stu­art Broad is the easy choice. He was also more eco­nom­ic­al than either Siddle or Starc. The final con­firm­a­tion of these 4 وہ کر رہے ہیں ہے 4 کے 5 who had an aver­age under 30 — Tim Bresnan being the only oth­er bowl­er to achieve this.

ہر طرف ہے 1 very good bowl­er who is unlucky to miss out — Tim Bresnan for Eng­land and Peter Siddle for Aus­tralia. Both play­ers are hard work­ing, بیٹ کے ساتھ مہذب, and con­trib­ute well in the field. Bresnan took his wick­ets slightly cheap­er, whilst Siddle was a bit more eco­nom­ic­al per over bowled and both picked up key wick­ets at key times. The choice between them would prob­ably come down to the flip of a coin if a 5ویں bowl­er was going to be picked.

The bal­ance of the bowl­ers for vary­ing con­di­tions also works out very well. Swann is the best spin­ner in the world at the moment and Ander­son is one of the top 2 bowl­ers out­right with won­der­ful con­trol and an abil­ity to find swing in any con­di­tions. Broad has the abil­ity to both move the ball and bowl genu­inely fast to pres­sure any bats­man who struggles with short pitched deliv­er­ies. Har­ris is con­sist­ently accur­ate and has a skiddy speed which will unsettle even qual­ity bats­men on good sur­faces. Neither side has a really top class genu­inely fast bowl­er which is the only chink in the qual­ity of the attack.

بلے باز

I’ve only included genu­ine bats­men, and have excluded a couple of the Aus­sie bats­men who only played in the first or second test (and did­n’t do well)

اننگزرنزAver­age50ے100ےزیادہ اسکورناٹ آؤٹ
ایان بیل1056262.44231131
مائیکل کلارک1038147.63111872
Shane Wat­son1041841.8011176
کرس راجرز936740.7821110
کیون پیٹرسن1038838.8031113
سٹیو سمتھ1034538.33211381
جو روٹ1033937.67111801
جوناتھن ٹروٹ1029329.302059
Jonny Bair­stow720329.001167
ایلسٹر کک1027727.703062
Dav­id Warner613823.001071
عثمان خواجہ611419.001054

Pick­ing a bat­ting line up is far less straight-for­ward then a bowl­ing attack. Ian Bell is the only bats­man who can be picked without hav­ing to think. Michael Clarke also has a good aver­age but is helped by 2 نہیں اوٹ (as a res­ult of declar­a­tions).  That said, Clarke is a world-class bats­man and it would be pretty hard to jus­ti­fy leav­ing him out of the side.

The remain­ing 4 are trick­i­er to select. Shane Wat­son is use­ful with the ball and made the 3RD highest aver­age, but he has a tend­ency to make runs when they don’t mat­ter, and get out when a score is needed. I also haven’t yet picked any open­ers, and Wat­son did­n’t play well as an open­er (and isn’t con­sist­ent enough) اور حقیقت یہ ہے کہ وہ صرف لیا 2 wick­ets means he’s not going to make the team. Chris Rogers sur­prised me and had a much bet­ter series than I expec­ted him to. He improved as the series went on and he was a very calm and con­sist­ent play­er — ideal as an open­er. As a res­ult he makes the team.

Pieterson ایک قدرے ذیل میں برابر سلسلہ تھا, how­ever he had to find form early on hav­ing just returned from an injury he was clearly still car­ry­ing through­out the last test. His abil­ity to make game chan­ging runs, اور جب رنز سب سے زیادہ ضرورت اسکور کرنے (and his sheer enter­tain­ment value) def­in­itely gets him a place.

I still need anoth­er open­er and the remain­ing choice is between the “bar fight 2”. The num­bers make this easy, and Root’s reas­on­able aver­age is par­tic­u­larly impress­ive giv­en the pres­sure he was under mak­ing his open­ing debut in such a key series. He is also a much more care­ful play­er than Warner which is bet­ter suited to test crick­et, and he showed he is a quick learner by improv­ing his tech­nique as the series went on.

This leaves just a final bats­man to pick. The num­bers say Steve Smith but I was­n’t at all con­vinced that he was a test bats­man. Without his 1 high score and his “not out” innings enhan­cing it, his aver­age would be under 21 which is a more accur­ate reflec­tion of the series he had. Khawaja had a very poor series and is out of the pic­ture so that leaves the choice of Trott, Bair­stow and Cook. Des­pite his dis­ap­point­ing series with the bat it’s easy to pick the Ashes win­ning cap­tain as the cap­tain for the whole team, espe­cially if he were a touch down the order to relieve the pres­sure that open­ing and being cap­tain brings.

The num­bers and my line up aren’t quite a match, لیکن میں نے اٹھایا ہے 5 سب کے 7 by num­bers and added in Alastair Cook, who des­pite his dis­ap­point­ing series would be hard to leave out. The 2 who miss out — Shane Wat­son and Steve Smith have both man­aged to pro­duce num­bers that very much flat­ter the real­ity of how well they played. This is doubly so when you con­sider that the 2 play­ers I have picked instead (کوک & جڑ) both had to face tough­er con­di­tions as open­ing batsmen.

فائنل لائن اپ

  1. کرس راجرز
  2. جو روٹ
  3. ایلسٹر کک (ج)
  4. Kev­in Pieterson
  5. مائیکل کلارک
  6. ایان بیل
  7. Matt Pri­or (ڈبلیو)
  8. گریم سوان
  9. Stu­art Broad
  10. Ryan Har­ris
  11. James Ander­son

This is a very strong but some­what unbal­anced side, ساتھ ہی 3 Aus­trali­ans com­pared to 8 Eng­lish­men. How­ever, Eng­land have just won 3–0 and were good money for that sco­reline. No-one would have blinked if a sim­il­ar “best of” team from the 90’s was largely Aus­trali­an, تو چلو میزیں دیا ہے کہ اب اس سے لطف اندوز ہونے دیں.

جواب چھوڑیں

3 تبصرے

JSJ A Scaife

Cook’s career record isn’t in doubt but his per­form­ance in this series does­n’t mer­it selec­tion in a com­bined elev­en in my view. I’d want Watto in my elev­en for his all round options, bat­ting at 3 or 6.

جواب دیں
MWمیتھیو ووڈورڈ

I know what you mean, J A Scaife, re Cook’s record. It has been poor by his lofty stand­ards. But Wat­son would be the last man on any team sheet for me. I know it’s hard to eval­u­ate all the gos­sip com­ing out of dress­ing rooms but it would appear he isn’t a ‘team’ play­er. The ‘home­work’ scan­dal and a devo­tion to try­ing to save his own skin by refer­ring almost every decision against him all point to this. And his series was dom­in­ated by one big innings — scored when it did­n’t mat­ter when two debutants were bowl­ing against him. He does bring a use­ful back up seam option to the side — but for me it’s not enough for him to get in.

جواب دیں
JSجون سکائف

I picked Cook primar­ily as he got a lot right as Cap­tain. I’m not sold on Michael Clarke as a cap­tain — he can­’t keep his play­ers under con­trol , where­as the Eng­land play­ers appar­ently love Cook and did the busi­ness under his stewardship.
If Cap­taincy wer­en’t an issue then I’d prob­ably go with Steve Smith rather than Wat­son. If we exclude Wat­son’s 176 on a sunny flat track against 2 debutants Smith would have scored 100 more runs, and he took more wick­ets as well.
When it came down to it though I just could­n’t pick Smith — he just isn’t test match class for me. I was pick­ing the play­ers I’d want for the next match, not just the top 11 from the stats.
If it came down to Cook or Smith for the next match it would­n’t take a split second to choose Cook, regard­less of his form in the series.

جواب دیں