0ٹوٹے ہوئے وکٹدنیا میں سب سے بہتر بولنگ اٹیک?

آسٹریلیائی کوچ مکی آرتھر نے ایک انٹرویو دیا ہے جس میں انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ ان کا خیال ہے کہ موجودہ آسٹریلیائی بولنگ اٹیک دنیا کا سب سے بہترین ہے۔!  میں یہ روایتی "گلن میک گراتھ" سے پہلے ایشز میں تقریر کو ختم کرنے کے جذبے سے لے رہا ہوں, لیکن آرتھر نے یہ نہیں کہا کہ وہ انگلینڈ کے بولنگ اٹیک سے بہتر ہیں (خود میں کافی مشکوک) لیکن دنیا میں بھی سب سے بہتر ہے۔ تو کیا واقعی انگلینڈ کو ان کے جوتے میں ہلنا چاہئے?

Lets start with cur­rent test world #1 side South Africa and com­pare their bowl­ing tal­ent with the cur­rent Aus­sie line-up

Ver­non Phil­ander: 16 ٹیسٹ, 89 wick­ets @ 17.13
مورنے مورکل: 49 ٹیسٹ, 175 wick­ets @ 29.97
ڈیل اسٹین: 65 ٹیسٹ, 332 wick­ets @ 22.65
Jacques Kal­lis: 162 ٹیسٹ, 288 wick­ets @ 32.43

مجموعی طور پر: 292 ٹیسٹ, 884 wick­ets @ 26.74

James Pattin­son: 10 ٹیسٹ, 40 wick­ets @ 23.37
پیٹر سڈل: 41 ٹیسٹ, 150 wick­ets @ 28.84
Nath­an Lyon: 22 ٹیسٹ, 76 wick­ets @ 33.18
مچل سٹارک: 9 ٹیسٹ, 30 wick­ets @ 34.03
Ryan Har­ris: 12 ٹیسٹ, 47 wick­ets @ 23.63

مجموعی طور پر: 94 ٹیسٹ, 343 wick­ets @ 28.91

So — the South Afric­an attack have played 3 ان کے درمیان بار کے طور پر بہت سے ٹیسٹ (des­pite com­par­ing 4 play­ers to 5) and have taken many more wick­ets at a lower aver­age. They’re also cur­rently world num­ber 1 and you don’t get there unless your bowl­ing attack is in form. As far as I’m con­cerened there is no fur­ther debate needed. But lets just see how Eng­land fit in…

James Ander­son: 82 ٹیسٹ, 307 wick­ets @ 30.14
Stu­art Broad: 57 ٹیسٹ, 195 wick­ets @ 30.93
اسٹیون فن: 22 ٹیسٹ, 88 wick­ets @ 28.73
گریم سوان: 52 ٹیسٹ, 222 wick­ets @ 28.50

مجموعی طور پر: 213 ٹیسٹ, 812 wick­ets @ 29.73

The Eng­land attack has played more than twice as many Tests and taken more than twice as many wick­ets. The Aus­sie’s have a slight edge in the aver­ages but there’s very little in it (0.8 runs per wick­et, یا 16 میچ فی رنز).  The Aus­sie line-up is also less ver­sat­ile (یعنی. Swann is a much bet­ter spin­ner than any­thing the Aus­sies have to offer).  Arthur also talked about strength in depth, but with the exper­i­enced Bresnan avail­able, and oth­er top bowl­ers also avail­able Eng­land also have con­sid­er­able strength in depth.  In Eng­lish con­di­tions the Eng­land bowl­ers can reas­on­ably expec­ted to have the advant­age — espe­cially with Graeme Swann being so effect­ive against left-handers (The Aus­sies have 5 left-handed bats­men in their 16-man squad — Hughes, وارنر, کوون, Khawaja and Wade)

Of course, the Aus­sies want to talk about bowl­ing attacks because they have major con­cerns about their bat­ting line up. I would do a com­par­is­on, but it’s not even clear what the Aus­sie line-up will be. In my opin­ion the only Aus­sie bats­man who would get into the Eng­land side is their injured cap­tain Michael Clarke. Cook, ٹروٹ, KP and Root are all rock sol­id and Matt Pri­or is prob­ably the best keep­er-bats­man in the world at the moment.

In con­clu­sion: the bowl­ing line-ups may be reas­on­ably evenly matched, but over­all there is no con­test — Eng­land are strong favour­ites and rightly so. Of course Aus­tralia have a decent chance — but they’ll need some luck on their side from injur­ies, ٹاس, or the Eng­lish sum­mer weath­er. Giv­en no injur­ies and an even break of weath­er and the toss I expect Eng­land to win as com­fort­ably as they did in Aus­tralia last time round — by at least 2 matches. Call it 3–1 or better.

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