0Uthuthu ZicimeEngland liphumelela Uthuthu ... kwakhona

Hayi, Andikapheli iveki ndinesi sigqibo-ndithetha kwiqela labadlali beqakamba laseNgilani, who have car­ried on the good work star­ted by the men by giv­ing the Aus­tralia women a good thumping.

The sys­tem isn’t quite as simple as the men’s ver­sion, with the women play­ing 1 uvavanyo, 3 50 over games and 3 T20 games. The test match was drawn and Aus­tralia won the first 50-over game. Since then Eng­land have won 4 on the trot to go 10–4 up in points with only 1 umdlalo (ixabiso 2 iingongoma) to play. Con­grat­u­la­tions to the women and let’s hope they fin­ish the series in style by dish­ing out anoth­er defeat at Chester-le-Street on Saturday.

Now that both our men and women are vic­tori­ous I feel its OK to retell this joke I heard recently… What do you call an Aus­sie who can handle a batA vet!

Shiya iMpendulo