1Uthuthu ZicimeKwenziwe umsebenzi-eNgilani Thatha i-2-0 ekhokelwa

Job kwenziwe. IAustralia iye yanemincili.

Ababinayo mpela impendulo kubugorha obudibeneyo beNgcambu (inkulungwane enkulu kunye neelekithi ezimbalwa eziphathwayo), intsimbi (I-toni yokuqala ebaluleke kakhulu enesiqingatha sekhulu lesibini kwikhulu lesibini (nangona kufuneka ukuba aphume, babambisa, ngomhla we 20-elimnqakathi) kwaye Swann (9 iiwikethi). Kuya kufuneka ukuba ixhala iindwendwe xa umdlali wabo wesibini obalaseleyo, Watson, Ngaba ubuchule bakhe buchaziwe kukuhlaselwa kweNgilani ngendlela enkulu - wayephinde wa LBW vic­tim today.

What is even more wor­ry­ing for the Aus­trali­ans is that most of the Eng­land side haven’t even third gear yet. Eng­land are a fair bit off their best and have a lot more left in reserve. Yet they are still win­ning. They should have won the first test com­fort­ably and thrashed Aus­tralia in this match. Kulihlazo ngoku kukho isuntswana ikhefu.

As ever look­ing for­ward to the next test.

Shiya iMpendulo

Nye amagqabantshintshi

JSJon Scaife

You say (as did quite a few pun­dits on TMS) that Bell should have been giv­en out for the catch — but have you watched it? I totally dis­agree with the pun­dits on TMS — the pic­ture looks pretty clearly like the ball hits the ground to me. I hate to link to the Daily Mail, but they have a clear image of it. As far as I’m con­cerned the ball is in con­tact with the ground — there is no room for a fin­ger under­neath it. He may also have his hands around it, but if its made con­tact with the ground at all then it can­’t be out. If there is “doubt” — and there is more than suf­fi­cient grounds for doubt, then the bene­fit must go to the bats­man. Not­ably the com­menters on the page I linked all think the same as I do. The third umpire got this decision cor­rect. Not out.
