0Cook toon sy staal in 'n Ballanced prestasie

Welgedaan Alistair Cook. OK, dus het hy 'n eeu misgeloop, net, maar om te score 95 toe die skyfies regtig af was, het dit ongelooflike karakter gekry. Die enigste manier waarop hy die kritici wou stil maak, was met 'n paar lopies en hopelik is die telling van vandag 'n permanente terugkeer na die vorm. Die reaksie van die skare toe hy sy halwe eeu behaal het en die ovasie toe hy die veld verlaat het, spreek boekdele oor die steun vir hom onder die krieketkykende publiek. Hy is 'n goeie man en het nie verdien 'n paar van die diatribe afgedank sy pad.

Geoffrey Boycott het reeds 'n trekking voorspel - en die Rose Bowl-veld lyk asof dit nog 'n ongeïnspireerde wedstryd sal oplewer waar die kolf die opperste. Hoe belaglik. Ons het staanplekke nodig wat vir kolwers en boulers iets te koop het, een wat die beste eksponente van albei dissiplines beloon. So, wat as die spel is verby in vier dae in plaas van vyf? Finansiële denke op kort termyn waag dit om die hele speletjie te ondermyn - en waar kom die geld vandaan??

Poor decision I thought today to retain both Stu­art Broad and Jimmy Ander­son. Both have had a rel­at­ively poor sum­mer by their high stand­ards and no one should be a guar­an­teed pick (oth­er than the cap­tain). Drop­ping one of them would have sent a clear mes­sage to the rest of the side that they can­not take their place for gran­ted. Healthy com­pet­i­tion helps to increase per­form­ance – a lack of com­pet­i­tion breeds com­pla­cency. Broad and Ander­son are class per­formers and will bounce back but a little nudge wouldn’t have hurt. Liam Plun­kett can count him­self unlucky to miss out but Ben Stokes less so. His bowl­ing has been reas­on­able but he’s on a rot­ten trot with the bat. He is anoth­er that will bounce back stronger. Good to see Chris Jordan back in the side – he can be a class per­former for many years to come. Chris Woakes on the oth­er hand a pick that simply bemuses me. Hope­fully I will be proven wrong but I really can’t see him as being of inter­na­tion­al class. He barely mer­its a one day pick, let alone a selec­tion as front line bowl­er in an attack of four.

Someone who has embraced test match crick­et with great aplomb is Gary Bal­lance. Anoth­er ton under his belt today means he is rap­idly estab­lish­ing him­self in that most chal­len­ging of pos­i­tions, the num­ber three slot. Ses toetse in, three cen­tur­ies scored. It’s look­ing good for the hard-fight­ing York­shire­man (adop­ted). It would be nice to see him go on tomor­row and register a ‘daddy’ hun­dred. Bal­lance remains in the middle with Ian Bell who was for­tu­nate to escape being out LBW. It was pretty plumb and should have been giv­en by the umpire but it wasn’t, leav­ing the Indi­ans per­plexed. Elke keer as 'n besluit soos dié gaan teen hulle 'n bietjie glimlag loop oor my gesig. After all they are the ones who rejec­ted the Decision Review Sys­tem (DRS) en so sal kry besluite gaan teen hulle. If they refuse to embrace the tech­no­logy to reduce poor decisions, they can­not com­plain when one goes against them.

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