0پچائڻ جو هڪ Ballanced ڪارڪردگي ۾ سندس mettle ڏيکاري

خير ڪيو Alistair پچائڻ. ٺيڪ, پوء هن کي هڪ صدي ٺاهڻ تي ٻاهر وڃايو, بس, پر ايڊليڊ لاء 95 جڏهن چپس ويا واقعي نازل unbelievable ڪردار ٿي گذريو آهي. صرف واٽ هن جي تنقيد ماٺ ڪرڻ وارو هو ڪجهه هلندو سان هو ۽ وڃايو اڄ جي ايڊليڊ فارم کي هڪ مستقل موٽڻ شڪلين. گڏجاڻي جي رد عمل جڏهن هن پنهنجي اڌ صدي جو گول ڪيو ۽ سلامت جڏهن هو ميدان ڇڏي ويو جڏهن ڪرڪيٽ ڏسڻ وارن عوام جي وچ ۾ هن جي حمايت سان ڳالهائيندي. هن چيو ته هڪ سٺو انسان آهي ۽ حقدار نه ڪيو جي طريقن جو ڪجهه سندس واٽ فائرنگ.

جيفري بائيڪاٽ اڳ ئي هڪ ڊرا جي اڳڪٿي ڪري چڪو آهي - ۽ گلاب بول پچ وانگر لڳي ٿو ته اهو هڪ ٻيو ناقابل تسخير ميچ ٺاهيندو ، جتي بيٽ اعلى حڪمراني ڪندو. ڪيترو مضحڪناڪ. اسان کي پچن جي ضرورت آهي ، جيڪي ٻنهي بيٽسمين ۽ بالرز لاءِ پيش ڪن, هڪ ته ٻنهي شعبن جي اعليٰ نمڪين کي انعام ڏين ٿا. پوء جي راند پنجن بدران چئن ڏينهن ۾ جي حوالي سان آهي جيڪي جيڪڏھن? مختصر مدي واري مالي سوچ خطري جي سموري تاري کي گهٽائي ٿي - ۽ پوءِ اهي پئسا ڪٿان کان ايندا?

Poor decision I thought today to retain both Stu­art Broad and Jimmy Ander­son. Both have had a rel­at­ively poor sum­mer by their high stand­ards and no one should be a guar­an­teed pick (oth­er than the cap­tain). Drop­ping one of them would have sent a clear mes­sage to the rest of the side that they can­not take their place for gran­ted. Healthy com­pet­i­tion helps to increase per­form­ance – a lack of com­pet­i­tion breeds com­pla­cency. Broad and Ander­son are class per­formers and will bounce back but a little nudge wouldn’t have hurt. Liam Plun­kett can count him­self unlucky to miss out but Ben Stokes less so. His bowl­ing has been reas­on­able but he’s on a rot­ten trot with the bat. He is anoth­er that will bounce back stronger. Good to see Chris Jordan back in the side – he can be a class per­former for many years to come. Chris Woakes on the oth­er hand a pick that simply bemuses me. Hope­fully I will be proven wrong but I really can’t see him as being of inter­na­tion­al class. He barely mer­its a one day pick, let alone a selec­tion as front line bowl­er in an attack of four.

Someone who has embraced test match crick­et with great aplomb is Gary Bal­lance. Anoth­er ton under his belt today means he is rap­idly estab­lish­ing him­self in that most chal­len­ging of pos­i­tions, the num­ber three slot. ۾ ڇهه تجربن, three cen­tur­ies scored. It’s look­ing good for the hard-fight­ing York­shire­man (adop­ted). It would be nice to see him go on tomor­row and register a ‘daddy’ hun­dred. Bal­lance remains in the middle with Ian Bell who was for­tu­nate to escape being out LBW. It was pretty plumb and should have been giv­en by the umpire but it wasn’t, leav­ing the Indi­ans per­plexed. هر وقت ته جهڙو ڪو فيصلو مٿن ڪرندو ٿورو مرڪ منهنجي منهن وچان ڊوڙي. After all they are the ones who rejec­ted the Decision Review Sys­tem (DRS) ۽ پوء فيصلو مٿن وڃڻ حاصل ٿيندا. If they refuse to embrace the tech­no­logy to reduce poor decisions, they can­not com­plain when one goes against them.

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