0Bangladesh v Sri Lanka Cricketyeqakamba: Ikamva Testing?

Ngolunye usuku Ndaba uyolo emfutshane ukubukela Bangladesh ithelekiswa Sri Lanka kwi ibhokisi goggle. Kwaqhubeka malunga neyure njengoko amanye amalungu entsapho laphumelela prizing le kude kude kum kamsinya nje ibityekile umva wam.

Kodwa uvavanyo cricket kwi okusemandleni alo. Kwakungekho soqobo iiwikethi yaye kuphela ezimbalwa imitsi kodwa ngokwembono komdlalo oko wayengenakuba ebaluleke ngakumbi.

Umyalelo eliphakathi batsman eyoyikekayo asemaphakadeni eluhlaza Kumar Sangakkara ukuba idlela elinye ngenkulungwane ocoliweyo, njengoko wayekhangele kugaya umsila ukuze ufumane kwamangeno yokuqala lebyi kukhokelela phezu onke. Sri Lanka waba esisisikhokelo ngeenxa 40 iyachiza iiwikethi ezine kuphela ngesandla. Emnandi test lomdlalo weqakamba njengoko umdlalo igwebu ahamba njengokwangaphambili.

Into ebuhlungu ke isihlwele - okanye ukunqongophala. Ndibe ndingekho khona no kubona kuphela oko wayevuya umva umabonakude. Kodwa into ndandibona ukuba ngathi ukubukela umdlalo XI yesibini ngokwemiqathango ng izihlalo. It was the pro­ver­bi­al ‘one man and his dog’ stuff.

Le ehlazekile. I am an unapo­lo­get­ic fan of test match crick­et. Kuba Kum ke yeyona owona mdlalo intle kwihlabathi. One day crick­et is fun and helps to gen­er­ate decent sums of money but noth­ing beats a closely fought five day match. In Eng­land attend­ances seem to be fairly stable but if the Bangladesh v Sri Lanka attend­ance is any­thing to go by (hardly a sci­entif­ic test, Ndiyazi) Ndiya ndingamoyiki kwixesha elizayo.

And I wish I knew the answer to get attend­ances back up. Do tick­et prices play a part? Is too much crick­et (kuzo zonke iintlobo) wadlala? Are the pitches too help­ful to bats­men so teams rack up 500+ amanqaku kwi kumangeno nganye?

My opin­ion? As always it’s prob­ably a mix­ture of the vari­ous issues. Test match crick­et is a pricey busi­ness in the UK but there still seems to be enough people will­ing to part with their hard-earned cash to fill grounds. But in oth­er coun­tries the ques­tion needs to be asked if that is the case? If money is a bar­ri­er then get prices down. Sharp­ish. Fumana amatakane simahla. Too much crick­et is also played across the globe and too many mod­ern day bats­men are grow­ing over-inflated aver­ages they don’t mer­it because of bat­ting friendly sur­faces (these are debates for anoth­er day).

If you have some thoughts then please con­trib­ute to the discussion.

Shiya iMpendulo