0boo يا نه ڪرڻ boo کي ...

سنڌ جي ون ڊي ورلڊ ڪپ جي دوران اتان جي لاء مانيء جي رد عمل جي باري ۾ commentators مان مسلسل بحث ڪئي وئي آهي 2 آسٽريليا جي cheats. Eoin مارگن هڪ حيثيت وٺي نه ڪيو ۽ چيو ته هن محسوس ڪيو ته اها وٺي کيس يا مداح ڪندا ڇا چوان خيال نه هو. ويرات Kohli هڪ مثبت سفارتي معاملن ۾ ڏنيون boo کي نه حامي پڇيو ته مان اھي حقدار نه ڪندا آھن. گريم Swann سميت اڳوڻي انگلستان رانديگرن جي booing جي باري ۾ تمام منفي ٿي وئي آهي, جيئن ته آهي ڪيترن ئي آسٽريليا جي اڳوڻن-گڻ. ائين ڪرڻ کي ڏسي عوام کي ڇا آهي?

We strongly dis­agree with those who have attacked sup­port­ers for boo­ing. Smith and Warner were guilty of cheat­ing, پر ان کان وڌيڪ, they behaved in a way that would­n’t be accept­able in almost any oth­er walk of life. The anger towards them was about more than a bit of sand­pa­per. It was about their utter dis­respect for the spir­it of crick­et and the ter­rible example they were set­ting to future gen­er­a­tions. Warner espe­cially has a long track record includ­ing (but not lim­ited to) punch­ing Joe Root in a bar a few years ago, telling Rohit Sharma to “speak Eng­lish”, squar­ing up to Ran­gana Herath, and the infam­ous abuse dir­ec­ted at Jonath­an Trott. هن پري کان وڌيڪ امڪان کان هن جو حقدار نه پيو ڪري ڇڏيو آهي. I would prefer not to see him selec­ted to play inter­na­tion­al crick­et any more.

بهرحال, one good point has been made about boo­ing. It often fires play­ers up and drives them to play at their best. ڊيڄاريندڙ, مثال طور, هن ورلڊ ڪپ ۾ هلندو گھڻائي سانگ ڪري ڇڏيو آهي.

پوء, we have a pro­pos­al. Don’t boo reg­u­larly. Don’t do any­thing at all. قسم ۽ وڏي, main­tain a dig­ni­fied silence. Send a mes­sage that they aren’t wel­come but also that they aren’t worth the effort. If every bound­ary is greeted with deathly silence that sends a much more potent mes­sage. Save the boos for a major land­mark. Ignore the per­form­ance until a cen­tury is made and then boo loud and clear.

جواب ڇڏي وڃو