0Ukuze Boo noma cha ukuze Boo ...

Phakathi ODI world cup sekube ingxoxo okuqhubekayo phakathi abasakazi mayelana ukusabela izixuku kuya 2 umkhonyovu Australian. Eoin Morgan akazange athathe uhlangothi futhi wathi wafikelwa kwakungeyona kuye ukutshela abalandeli yini okumelwe ziyenze noma ucabanga. Virat Kohli ebuzwa abasekeli hhayi Boo umbhangqwana endaweni isenzo esihle ukuthi mhlawumbe awufanelwe. England abadlali Owabe kuhlanganise uGraeme Swann bebelokhu esibi kakhulu mayelana booing, njengabaningi Australian ex-buhle. Ngakho-ke yini umphakathi ukubukela ukwenza?

We strongly dis­agree with those who have attacked sup­port­ers for boo­ing. Smith and Warner were guilty of cheat­ing, kodwa ngaphezu kwalokho, they behaved in a way that would­n’t be accept­able in almost any oth­er walk of life. The anger towards them was about more than a bit of sand­pa­per. It was about their utter dis­respect for the spir­it of crick­et and the ter­rible example they were set­ting to future gen­er­a­tions. Warner espe­cially has a long track record includ­ing (but not lim­ited to) punch­ing Joe Root in a bar a few years ago, telling Rohit Sharma to “speak Eng­lish”, squar­ing up to Ran­gana Herath, and the infam­ous abuse dir­ec­ted at Jonath­an Trott. Uye waba amathuba okungaphezulu kakhulu kwalokho okungakulahlekela ufanelwe. I would prefer not to see him selec­ted to play inter­na­tion­al crick­et any more.

Noma kunjalo, one good point has been made about boo­ing. It often fires play­ers up and drives them to play at their best. Warner, Ngokwesibonelo, uye kukora amaningi lisebenza wendebe yomhlaba.

Ngakho, we have a pro­pos­al. Don’t boo reg­u­larly. Don’t do any­thing at all. Ngokwengxenye enkulu, main­tain a dig­ni­fied silence. Send a mes­sage that they aren’t wel­come but also that they aren’t worth the effort. If every bound­ary is greeted with deathly silence that sends a much more potent mes­sage. Save the boos for a major land­mark. Ignore the per­form­ance until a cen­tury is made and then boo loud and clear.

shiya impendulo